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Tag: Business Interruption Insurance

Guard Your Business & Employees From Winter Weather Hazards

Guard Your Business & Employees From Winter Weather Hazards

As cold weather swoops in for the season, you can protect your business and employees from winter weather hazards by having the right business insurance policies in place. Freezing temperatures, ice, and snow bring risks that can prove to be financially devastating. The III (Insurance Information Institute) reports that last year, winter storms resulted in an estimated $3.5 billion in insured losses. Business Insurance Protection Your...

How To Survive A Business Interruption

How To Survive A Business Interruption

While all business owners want their enterprises to be both productive and profitable, you may not have considered the costs associated with a business interruption. Business interruption coverage can be added to your property insurance; this form of insurance is critical in keeping your business fully protected. It is impossible to predict every eventuality, particularly the damage incurred when a heavy storm or other disaster damages your...