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Category: Uncategorized
8 Unforgettable Pennsylvania Road Trip Destinations
Posted: August 4, 2021
One of the best ways to experience Pennsylvania in all its diversity and uniqueness is via road trip. Grab the kids, pack your car, and get ready to enjoy the state’s rich heritage and natural beauty. But before you take off, make sure you have the right auto insurance to protect your ride. Then, with peace of mind, explore these eight must-see destinations – and...
Lumber Prices Are Still Sky-High. Here’s How That Could Affect Your Homeowners Insurance.
Posted: August 4, 2021
If you’ve walked through your local home improvement store lately, you may have noticed that lumber prices are skyrocketing this year. In fact, the wholesale price of lumber hit an all-time high in May – climbing a staggering 323% since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. While there are signs that the market may be starting to cool as the U.S. economy reopens,...
Here’s Why You Should Never Drive Through a Flash Flood
Posted: July 22, 2021
What Is a Flash Flood? Flash floods are sudden, local floods that are usually caused by heavy rainfall. They can occur within minutes or a few hours after the rain starts falling. A burst dam or levee, or a released ice jam, can also create this type of flooding. Where Do Flash Floods Occur? Floods can occur anywhere and anytime, even in places you may...
How to Plan a Road Trip Vacation
Posted: July 9, 2021
Pack smart Use a checklist. We all hate the feeling of forgetting to pack something. To avoid leaving any essentials at home, create a list a few weeks before you leave — and add to it as you think of new items. Then, pull out the list as you start packing and check off items as you go. Make extra space. Avoid the temptation to...
Have a Safe and Happy July Fourth Holiday
Posted: June 28, 2021
Gearing up for the Fourth of July holiday likely means family picnics, being outside and enjoying a fireworks display. But have you ever wondered how long can you let food sit out before it starts to go bad? Or when your next-door neighbor surprises the kiddos with sparklers and firecrackers, how do you make sure everyone stays safe? You’ve got questions – we’ve got you covered....