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Category: Uncategorized
What To Know Before You Finish Your Basement
Posted: May 12, 2022
In most cities across the United States, today’s hot real estate market is showing no signs of cooling down. Home prices continue to climb, driven by a shortage of inventory and low mortgage rates. And this hot market is driving many homeowners to invest in upgrading their current home instead of buying a new one. For those looking to add more usable indoor space, finishing...
13 Bad Habits That Aren’t Good for Your Car
Posted: May 6, 2022
Bad habits. We all have them. And sometimes, they can be hard to shake. This is especially true when it comes to driving. Depending on how many years you’ve spent behind the wheel, certain habits may be deeply ingrained by now. And many of them can be bad for your car. Wondering if there are any bad driving behaviors you’ve picked up over the years?...
What’s That Weird Sound That Happens When I Open My Car Window?
Posted: May 4, 2022
You’re driving down the highway and decide to let in a bit of fresh air. You roll down one of your windows, and suddenly it’s like a freight train is running right next to your car. The overwhelming, rhythmic “thumping” sound feels like it’s about to blow out your eardrums. We’ve all experienced it. But what is it? That’s wind buffeting ‒ a loud and...
High Wind Advisory: What to Do Next
Posted: April 27, 2022
When you think of storms that can cause wind damage, your mind might jump to recovering from a tornado or prepping for a hurricane. But it doesn’t always take an extreme weather event for high winds to damage your home or car. The National Weather Service issues a “high wind warning” when winds are sustained at speeds of 40 miles per hour or above. And...
Do’s and Don’ts for Hiding a Spare Key
Posted: April 21, 2022
At some point, most of us have lost our keys. More than a few of us have even tried to break into our own property before finally admitting defeat and seeking third-party assistance. Once we’ve been freed from our accidental exile, we waste little time before paying a visit to a local locksmith or hardware store to safeguard ourselves from future lockouts: we get a...