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Category: Life Insurance
What Happens To My Life Insurance If I Am In A Coma?
Posted: September 22, 2020
A coma is a state of extended unconsciousness due to inefficient brain function. This unresponsive state can be caused by a traumatic blow to the head, oxygen deprivation from choking or drowning, severe infection, exposure to toxins, or extremely high blood sugar. Under most circumstances, life insurance policies do not pay out as long as the policyholder remains alive. If you are in a coma...
What Life Insurance Policy Is Best For Me?
Posted: September 7, 2020
If you have a family depending on you, it is more important now than ever to have life insurance. There are many factors to consider when shopping for a policy. Our friendly agent can help you get the best quote on life insurance that suits your family’s needs. What Are The Major Types Of Life Insurance? The two major types of life insurance are term...
Am I Required To Buy A Company’s Life Insurance Once They Finance An Exam?
Posted: August 22, 2020
Except for guaranteed issue and other no-exam life insurance policies (with higher rates and lower face value), most insurance companies will require an in-person medical exam. A company representative will arrange for a physical exam to be conducted by a licensed healthcare professional selected and contracted by the life insurance company. This does not mean you are under any obligation to purchase life insurance from...
Is Taking The Accelerated Death Benefit Worth It?
Posted: August 7, 2020
Accelerated death benefits are a relatively new option with life insurance policies. To qualify for these benefits, you must be terminally ill or chronically ill in some cases. For policyholders with severe health conditions, it may be worth it to take advantage of this option. How Do Accelerated Death Benefits Work? When you take accelerated death benefits, you get a portion of the benefits from...
What If My Beneficiary Can’t Claim My Life Insurance Money?
Posted: July 22, 2020
Many people purchase life insurance policies to provide for a spouse and children. But what happens if your death arrives while your children are still minors? In that case, the life insurance company cannot pay out benefits until the court appoints a guardian for your minor children. That can be a lengthy process, requiring attorney fees and court costs. Similar problems could arise if your...