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Archives: 2023
13 Tips for Driving in a Whiteout
Posted: January 4, 2023
In many parts of the country, driving through wind and snow is just a part of your average winter. However, it’s not every day that you end up driving in a whiteout. Drivers are often caught off guard when snow is being blown across roadways and visibility becomes virtually nonexistent. If weather conditions are bad enough, make an executive decision to stay home. However, if...
7 Tips to Help Your New Year’s Resolution Stick
Posted: January 3, 2023
As the new year begins, people will be making New Year’s resolutions—and lots of them. This year, many Americans will make a New Year’s resolution to get fit, stop smoking, learn another language, stress less and so on. And yet… Anyone who has witnessed a crowded January gym slow to a trickle by February knows that many resolutions just don’t stick. Some studies have reported...